Winter Blues

Monday, March 7, 2011

Jeannie Rae to the rescue!

Do you have a piece of furniture or an accessory that needs a little lift?  A sprucing up?  Perhaps you don't want to part with it, so rejuvenate it with a new look.  Enter my 7 foot antique cabinet I bought five years ago at an auction.  I have always loved the lines of this tall and dark cabinet, but the finish up close was bumpy, lumpy, and wrong. This piece needs some TLC.  This piece needs Jeannie!

The cabinet on the right has the will to live.
 The creative woman on the left has a mission.
Make this 7 ft of particle board look like a million bucks!

Hard to see all the layers of lumpy laquer and thirteen shades of blah.
Jeannie striped the piece from the top down to it's toes-
A wrestling match but we had our money on the little blonde!

She won.  Now it was time to get creative.

Jeannie wanted to see where the cabinet was going to live.
This is my home office in our new house.  Kid books, bright colors...
This room wants to be funky, colorful, and fun.

I have a skinny wall in between two doors where the cabinet will sit.
The piece itself has super storage potential.  Loads of shelves
and a tall locking latch where little ones can't reach.  Great for
storing things I don't want others to get- paints, nails & screws, my chocolate!

After Jeannie came over to look at the space, she had lots of ideas...

The drapes- Osbourne & Little.
Tulips are a favorite.

Jeannie found these knobs.
On the right is the before- sorta gold & brown.
On the left is a beautiful new pink/white tulip!

Oh I love how Jeannie layers the fun with colors & patterns!

How long did it take to paint all those squares?  Oh my!

Jeannie added so many touches to the new cabinet.
I am finding jewels and sweet 'Jeannie' additions everywhere!

My new cabinet.  Before it was boring. 
Before it had no zip.
No personality.  Now...
It's beautiful!

Jeannie Rae has always looked at life in a positive light- looking to see the possibilities.  I've known Jeannie for years and have admired her creative ways.  It's inspiring to watch Jeannie take an ordinary piece and make it come to life, make it a piece of art.  Thank You for adding a happy piece of art in our home- We love the new and improved cabinet and we love you Jeannie!