I've always enjoyed my work life. In my twenties and early thirties, my hobby was my job. For over fifteen years, I've decorated homes and tried to sell more sofas than any girl this side of the Mississippi!

Five years ago, our family decided to open a shop in Downtown Bend, Oregon about 120 miles from our Eugene store. Bend is beautiful, with mountains and rivers to boast about, sunny weather, and interesting people from all over.
We wanted a smaller, more boutique style store
and that's just what we got...
First summer in Bend, met cute guy named John.
Then John and I got married...
John & I are no spring chicks, so we were ready to start our family.
Baby Charlie was born!
I juggled being a new mom, wife, and shopkeeper...acquired a taste for coffee and attempted to finally use those stainless steel things that stare at me in the kitchen. Me, cook? Why not!
Take your baby to work? Not such a good idea...
It was time to be closer to family once Charlie was here. It takes a village, you know, and starting a family made us realize that there's more to life than sunny weather! But it's not farewell Bend.
Our shop in Bend is still clicking along and we are happy to say the shop is there to stay! We are in Eugene more and it's been so much fun catching up with customers/friends. Stop in next time you're driving by...unless you live far away, then just check on us here...our new adventure in blogging!